Blue Knights®  International

Law Enforcement

Motorcycle Club, Inc.

Texas VII

General Membership Meeting on board the U.S.S. Texas  BB-35

Why Join Us!

The Blue Knights® join Law Enforcement personnel around the world in a fraternal organization that includes Federal, State, Provincial, County, Local, Educational, and Special police, all of who enjoy recreational motorcycling. The Club is dedicated to improving the motorcycling image, promote safety and promote motorcycling as a family recreation, and just having fun.  The Blue Knights® is a family fraternity. Spouses and children often accompany our members to the various rides and functions. When travelling, local members can provide assistance, directions and sometimes a place to stay. We are truly a family.

Club meetings are generally on the second Monday of the month starting at 7:00PM at Iguana Joe's, 5710 East Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77015.  Club rides are normally the third weekend of the month. 

It is difficult stating what makes the Blue Knights® so special. Perhaps the following will help explain the kinds of feelings that flow when a bunch of motorcycle-riding police officers get together.

Knighthood is:

Among the Blue Knight® members,

"There are no strangers, only friends you haven't met."

We're the good guys!

You may wish to read our History of The Blue Knights® explanation as well!

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In Memory of those who have Transferred from Texas 7 to Heaven 1

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*NOTE: The PayPal fee for using their service is 2.99% per payment and is figured into the listed price as closely as possible.  You may also pay in person at the meeting or event to avoid this fee.  

Annual Dues are $51.50