The membership of Texas 7 is not compiled of police motor officers but rather law enforcement officers who have an interest in motorcycling. The following charities have been approved by our membership and these are the only organizations we escort for. It takes months of preparation and planning to enable these events to be escorted safely. We depend heavily of the assistance of police agencies throughout the greater Houston area and to that end we deeply appreciate their generosity and willingness to assist.
Texas 7 assists with several charity events each year. Our time and money go to the following charities:
Harry Stafford Motorcycle Ministries Winchester Nursing Home Christmas Caroling Ride
A special "Thank You" goes to all the agencies that do/have participated in the above charitable events:
Texas Department of Public Safety
Harris County Sheriffs Office
Galveston County Sheriffs Office
Harris County Pct. 4 Constables Office
Harris County Pct. 8 Constables Office
Harris County Pct. 5 Constables Office
Houston PD
La Porte PD
Humble PD
Alvin PD
Rice University PD
Spring ISD Police
Seabrook PD
Kemah PD
Pasadena PD
Shore Acres PD
Texas City PD
Morgan's Point PD
And Many, Many, More...
Again..."Thank You" for your time and assistance.